I was reading one of the blogs that I like to keep up on,
Mana Moon Studios, she, Sharon, makes some really beautiful jewelry, when I noticed that she nominated me for a
Brilliante Weblog Award!
How cool is that! Now, I realize she had to nominate 14 people, because she was awarded not once but twice!! but, it was very exciting since this is my first award! I'd like to thank all of the people that made this happen....:) Actually, I am pretty new to this blogging thing and I don't really consider myself too much of a writer just yet, but am giving it a good try! I never run out of things to "talk" about, but typing is another story!
It is fun to get people to comment on my blog occasionally. So, I want to thank Sharon for doing that and to let her know that I do enjoy reading her blog as well. And seeing her new jewelry.
I have a daughter in law now, that loves jewelry and I will have to start planning my Christmas shopping list now. I was talking to her yesterday and her eyes perked up when I asked her if she enjoyed jewelry. I describe her as funky vintage if there is such a thing. So, Sharon, if you have anything to fit that description, we need to talk!
I get to nominated some people now for this award, so here goes:
1. My dear friend of 34 years, Laurie of The
Looking Glass. We have been friends for so long, she knows how much I love her and believe in her and her artwork. You should all check out her blog and her wonderful artwork. She is exactly as she writes!
2. My new friend and new blogger, Sandi of
Our Enchanted Children. Sandi has a great new business that has so many children's items and accessories that you really all must check out! She continually updates her store and is happy to help you with whatever handmade item that you may need for your special little one. These items come from all over the world! And are
meticulously made.
4. Lisa from
Human Touch Designs, she makes beautiful custom jewelry for any occasion. Her blog is a fun read too! She has been sweet and checked out my blog and I thank her for that!
5.Maureen from
All Thing Jewelry. Of course she makes very nice jewelry, but I like to read her blog. She has lots of interesting topics and has some nice info. on there as well. She has been supportive to me in my new blogging as well.
Pass It on Plates blog Pam. She has commented on my blog as well and I have started checking out her blog. She has this wonderful idea of these cool plates that each person signs or does a design and you put special treats or goodies on the plate, then pass it on to your friend who eats the treat and does the same thing. The point is, to see where this plate ends up and enjoy all of the places and people that have had it before you. (I hope I explained this the right way!). Anyway, I am excited because my friend is giving me the plate next! Yea! I only worry slightly about what to put on the plate that I will pass on, as I am not a great baker, but I am a pretty good "drawer" so maybe that will make up for it! :)
Hers is a fun blog to read and she has inspired me to try some gourd art out. I may or may not be sharing that one! :)
So, this is my list of people who I am choosing!
For the nominees here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs